CDK Global

Your reaction to the word cybersecurity may vary depending on your role and experience with technology. Some dealers may feel comfortable and maybe even confident. But for many dealers, there’s a sense of unease. Since this is an important topic, hearing about a new attack almost every week makes it easy to be paralyzed by fear:

  • Where do I start?
  • Do I have enough now?
  • Will I be a target?

As it turns out, worrying is the best reaction in this situation.

Do you keep most services in-house to maintain control and brand consistency? You’re far from alone if you do. But doing it alone isn’t always best for your business— especially when it comes to business development.
Most dealerships struggle to keep up with infrastructure and IT support needs. Using a managed IT service provider can help free up your IT staff, so they can focus on what your dealership does best. To see what a managed IT service provider could do for you, look at this Infographic.

Today’s modern dealerships need to maximize technology efficiently to improve operations and the client experience. Successful dealers leverage technology to gain speed to value, exceed their goals, and tackle new problems. Central to this success is the management of IT systems and a robust support system. Putting all the pieces in place to achieve success is often a complicated puzzle to solve.

Have you experienced lengthy downtime to your network due to employee error, malware, or ransomware? It happens more than you think. For all the ways downtime can impact your business, view this infographic.

View the Infographic